📄️ Create a user (Human)
Create/import a new user with the type human. The newly created user will get a verification email if either the email address is not marked as verified and you did not request the verification to be returned.
📄️ Start flow with an identity provider
Start a flow with an identity provider, for external login, registration or linking
📄️ Retrieve the information returned by the identity provider
Retrieve the information returned by the identity provider for registration or updating an existing user with new information
📄️ Add link to an identity provider to an user
Add link to an identity provider to an user
📄️ List all possible authentication methods of a user
List all possible authentication methods of a user like password, passwordless, (T)OTP and more
📄️ Change the user email
Change the email address of a user. If the state is set to not verified, a verification code will be generated, which can be either returned or sent to the user by email.
📄️ Verify the email
Verify the email with the generated code.
📄️ Remove One-Time-Password (OTP) Email from a user
Remove the configured One-Time-Password (OTP) Email factor of the authenticated user. As only one OTP Email per user is allowed, the user will not have OTP Email as a second-factor afterward.
📄️ Add OTP Email for a user
Add a new One-Time-Password (OTP) Email factor to the authenticated user. OTP Email will enable the user to verify a OTP with the latest verified email. The email has to be verified to add the second factor.
📄️ Remove One-Time-Password (OTP) SMS from a user
Remove the configured One-Time-Password (OTP) SMS factor of the authenticated user. As only one OTP SMS per user is allowed, the user will not have OTP SMS as a second-factor afterward.
📄️ Add OTP SMS for a user
Add a new One-Time-Password (OTP) SMS factor to the authenticated user. OTP SMS will enable the user to verify a OTP with the latest verified phone number. The phone number has to be verified to add the second factor.
📄️ Start the registration of passkey for a user
Start the registration of a passkey for a user, as a response the public key credential creation options are returned, which are used to verify the passkey.
📄️ Create a passkey registration link for a user
Create a passkey registration link which includes a code and either return it or send it to the user.
📄️ Verify a passkey for a user
Verify the passkey registration with the public key credential.
📄️ Change password
Change the password of a user with either a verification code or the current password.
📄️ Request a code to reset a password
Request a code to reset a password
📄️ Change the user phone
Change the phone number of a user. If the state is set to not verified, a verification code will be generated, which can be either returned or sent to the user by sms.
📄️ Verify the phone
Verify the phone with the generated code.
📄️ Start the registration of a TOTP generator for a user
Start the registration of a TOTP generator for a user, as a response a secret returned, which is used to initialize a TOTP app or device.
📄️ Verify a TOTP generator for a user
Verify the TOTP registration with a generated code.
📄️ Start the registration of a u2f token for a user
Start the registration of a u2f token for a user, as a response the public key credential creation options are returned, which are used to verify the u2f token.
📄️ Verify a u2f token for a user
Verify the u2f token registration with the public key credential.